I’ve been a multi-passionate, walking contradiction all my life and will be till the day I die

Rebel Lucas Brand and Website Designer At Lenya Creative gif smiling in studio

okay, so quick synopsis of who i am...

I am too outspoken for the church peeps, but too “church” for the two-steppin’ crowd. I might not be the “sweet girl”, but I will go to war for you if it comes down to it. I love color palettes and mood boards but man, oh man am I a sucker for coding and math equations.


These are all things that literally make no sense going together. Like, at all.


But I’ve learned to embrace that my contradictions make me who I am. I am masculine and feminine. Logical and expressive. Brutally honest and deeply compassionate.


Truth is, I don’t fit nicely into one box and neither should you.

All the parts that make you who you are — yes, all your contradictions — even those weird personality quirks you think no one cares about are the exact puzzle pieces you need to create a fearless brand that catapults your wildest dreams.

I build brands with personality & purpose

I don’t want to give you something that just looks good and dip out when you don’t know what to do next.

I want to work alongside you to assemble the inner workings of your empire.


Of Russian origin, “lenya” translates to lion

A lion represents many things. Strength, boldness, majesty, passion, loyalty, confidence — but above all, it represents what it means to be fearless.

At its core, the idea of being fearless comes from Psalm 34:4, which says we are “delivered from fear” — a life motto of mine. Heck, it’s even tattooed on my arm.

I hold this resilience close to my chest because for you (and for me) it’s taken a lion’s fight to get this far. I know how bad you want it. And I know you’ll do what it takes to rise to the top.

hear our roar /

Our mission and passion for what we do

Our passion is to help photographers & wedding industry creatives embolden their brand and streamline their back-end so they can charge their worth, attract dream clients and disrupt the industry.

the fun facts

Some dope things about me

Would I be the most basic white girl if I said coffee? Okay, fine. Espresso it is. But whiskey is a close second.

You’re not gonna believe me, but it’s actually metal and post-hardcore bands. They are also my sad girl go-to.

Around here you’ll run into some biiiggg type 8 vibes with with some type 4 vibes on occasion. Surprised?

You can catch me chasing live music (even photographing concerts) or playing slow pitch softball with my fiancé.

earthtomadison branding wedding photographer branding | About | Lenya Creative

Nothing against cookies, but you’re way too epic for “cookie-cutter”

Design and streamline a brand that echoes the fearless, badass at your core.

What does it mean to be fearless?

it means ... acknowledging your fears, but not being afraid to face them.

it means ... seeing something you want and knowing the risks are worth it.

it means ... not wavering when life throws shit your way cause you know you’re capable of anything.

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